VANJ2022 Report – Session “Towards 3D energy landscape: digitalization, decarbonization, decentralization”

Towards 3D energy landscape: digitalization, decarbonization, decentralization Session introduction: On the afternoon of November 26, 2022, a special “Towards 3D energy landscape: digitalization, decarbonization, decentralization” took place lively with interesting presentations from 05 invited speakers. Opening the session, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hong Phuong from The Eidhoven University of Technology gave […]

VANJ2022 Report – Session “Innovation for Eco-friendly and Long-life Infrastructures”

Innovation for Eco-friendly and Long-life Infrastructures Session introduction: On the morning of November 27, 2022, a session with the topic “Innovation for Eco-friendly and Long-life Infrastructures” took place lively and effectively with interesting presentations related to original investigations on innovative materials, structure and construction methods, risk assessment and management […]

VANJ2022 Report – Session “Lessons from Covid 19: Veterinary Medicine and One Health perspective”

Lessons from Covid 19: Veterinary Medicine and One Health perspective Session introduction: On the afternoon of November 26, 2022, a session with the topic “Lessons from Covid 19: Veterinary Medicine and One Health perspective” took place lively with presentations from three prestigious scientists in the field of Veterinary Medicine. […]

VANJ2022 Report – Session “Microbiome: The Inclusive and Diverse Society Inside Us”

Microbiome: The Inclusive and Diverse Society Inside Us Session introduction: On the afternoon of November 27, 2022, the special session “Microbiome: The Inclusive and Diverse Society Inside Us” took place lively with 03 presentations from guest speakers and 03 submitted presentations from microbiology research groups of young researchers in […]


[CALL FOR PAPERS] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE VANJ2022 Following the success of our last conferences in the years 2018 – 2021, Vietnam Academic Network in Japan (VANJ) and Center for Spintronic Research Network UTokyo (CSRN), partnered  with Vietnam Youth Vet Network (VYVN) and Vietnam Biomedical Science Community (VBMC), is honored to organize […]