Monthly updates on VANJ’s events and information from VANJ members (e.g., research and social achievements, enrollment and recruitment status of academic institutions and companies, etc.)
======================= English version below ==================
WEBINAR VANJ-NET 1: “Coffee break with Vietnamese Graduate Survivors in Japan”
VANJ received a Certificate of Merit from the Embassy of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Le Duc Anh: Young Investigator MBE Award
Dr. Nguyen Binh Minh: Paper Review Promotion Award, Kurata Award, and Nagamori Award
Mr. Pham Van Phong: Poster Award for the Best Business Plan
WEBINAR VANJ-NET 1: “Coffee break with Vietnamese Graduate Survivors in Japan”
VANJ-NET 2022 is a series of webinars organized by the Vietnamese Academic Network in Japan (VANJ). We aim to connect and support the Vietnamese Academics who were, are, and will be in Japan to share their experiences and help the next Vietnamese generations to understand and prepare for graduate studies and academic environments in Japan.
The first volume of the VANJ-NET series, namely “Coffee break with Vietnamese Graduate Survivors in Japan”, was held at 21:00~23:00 (JST) on 27th August on zoom and live-streamed on VANJ fan page.
For more detail:
VANJ received a Certificate of Merit from the Embassy of Vietnam
At a ceremony celebrating Vietnam’s 77th National Day in Japan (September 2, 1945 – September 2, 2022), the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to Japan – Mr. Vu Hong Nam, awarded VANJ a Certificate of Merit for “many contributions to Vietnamese society in Japan in 2021”.
For more detail:
Assoc. Prof. Le Duc Anh: Young Investigator MBE Award
Assoc. Prof. Le Duc Anh, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, the University of Tokyo, received Young Investigator MBE Award 2022 from the International MBE Advisory Committee. This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the science and technology of MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) or enabled by MBE. The award will be given at the ICMBE 2022 Conference in Sheffield this September.
For more detail: https://iop.eventsair.com/icmbe2022/awards
Information on Laboratory of Assoc. Prof. Le Duc Anh: https://www.anh-lab.com/
- Assoc. Prof. Le Duc Anh is one of the founding members of VANJ (2016) and was a Board of Director (BOD) member from 2019-2021.
Dr. Nguyen Binh Minh: Paper Review Promotion Award, Kurata Award, and Nagamori Award
Dr. Nguyen Binh Minh, Department of Advanced Energy, the University of Tokyo, received Paper Review Promotion Award from IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications for his contributions and dedication to IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications as a reviewer for the last ten years.
Dr. Minh group’s project on Glocal (Global/Local) Energy Management for Multi-motor Electric Vehicles was successfully selected for the Kurata Award – one of 49 themes (out of 242 applicants nationwide) by the Hitachi Foundation in 2021. His group also got the Nagamori Award for motor-related research fund in 2022.
For more detail:
- Dr. Nguyen Binh Minh is a VANJ alumnus and was a BOD member, Head of Publication sector (2019-2020).
Mr. Pham Van Phong: Poster Award for the Best Business Plan
Mr. Pham Van Phong, an MBA student at Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, Niigata, received a Poster Award for the Best Business Plan.
- Mr. Pham Van Phong is currently an administrative member of VANJ (2022~)
======================= 以下のニュースの日本語版 ==================
ニュースレター 2022/08
VANJメンバーからの毎月アップデート情報やイベント(研究・社会実績、入学・入社等 )
VANJ-NET VOL.1 “在日ベトナム人マスター、ドクターとのコーヒータイム”
VANJ-NET2022は、一般社団法人在日ベトナム人学術ネットワーク (VANJ)が主催しているウェビナーのシリーズであります。我々は、日本に滞在するベトナム人研究者をつなぎ、サポートした上で、教育、研究、ビジネスだけではなく日越関係の発展にも貢献することを目指しています。
VANJ-NET VOL.1は “在日ベトナム人マスター、ドクターとのコーヒータイム”というタイトルで、8月27日21:00~23:00 (GMT+9)にズームおよびライブストリーミングにて開催されました。
詳細: https://vanj.jp/vanj-net1/#nihongo
詳細: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6969267882689974272/
Le Duc Anh 准教授: Young Investigator MBE Award (MBE若手研究者賞)
東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻 Le Duc Anh 准教授はInternational MBE Advisory Committee の Young Investigator MBE Award 2022を受賞しました. この賞は、MBE (分子線エピタキシー) の科学技術に多大な貢献をした研究者を表彰するものです。今年シェフィールドで開催される ICMBE 2022において授与されます。
詳細: https://iop.eventsair.com/icmbe2022/awards
Le Duc Anh 准教授の研究室について: https://www.anh-lab.com/
- Le Duc Anh 准教授はVANJの設立者の一員で、2019-2021年度の幹部会(Board of Director, BOD)に勤めていました。
Nguyen Binh Minh 博士 : Paper Review Promotion Award, 倉田奨励金, and 永守賞
東京大学 先端エネルギー工学専攻 Nguyen Binh Minh 博士はIEEJ Journal of Industry ApplicationsにPaper Review Promotion Awardを授与されました。彼の過去10年間このジャーナルの査読者としての貢献と献身に表彰されました。
また、Minh博士のグループは「マルチモーター電気自動車のグローカル(グローバル/ローカル)エネルギー管理」プロジェクトは、2021 年度に日立財団による49テーマの1つ (全国の242 の応募者の中から)として選ばれ、倉田奨励金を受領しました。そして、彼のグループも、モーター関連研究費の永守賞を受賞しました。
https://www.hitachi-zaidan.org/topics/data/087_2/topics087_2_n1492.pdf; https://www.nidec.com/jp/nagamori-f/pdf/20220627_release.pdf
- Nguyen Binh Minh氏はVANJの元会員であり、出版部長、BODに勤めていました(2019-2020).
Pham Van Phong: 事業計画有望性部門 最優秀ポスター賞
事業創造大学院大学(新潟) 経営学修士(MBA)のPham Van Phong は学内の事業計画有望性部門 最優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。
Editor/原作者: Thao Tran P. (Publication – VANJ)
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Contact: pthao222@gmail.com;
和訳者: Nguyen Hanh Nhung (グエン・ハン・ニユン)、VANJ
連絡先: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanh-nhung-nguyen-4265141b4/
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