
VANJ’s activities are including:


1. Scientific seminars

VANJ seminars are held frequently for VANJ members and guests who are experts in a specific field  to give talks, share, and discuss a specific topic. 

Past seminars: click here.


2. Annual scientific conference

The VANJ Conference is an annual multidisciplinary conference with talk sessions about multiple fields. The VANJ Conference aims to create a venue to gather Vietnamese academics, build and strengthen the research community, and expand the connections across multiple research fields.

Past conference: click here.


3. News and publication 

VANJ updates and shares news and information about outstanding research results from Vietnamese researchers as well as academics around the world. We annually publish the compendium “Introduction to Japanese Science and Technology”, providing up-to-date information on Japanese science and technology to a large number of Vietnamese people living in Vietnam and abroad.

Past book: click here.


4. Researcher database

VANJ sets a goal to build a database of Vietnamese researchers in Japan to connect and facilitate collaboration among researchers, students, universities, and businesses. The database will include research introduction, scholarships, funds and grants, awards, academic jobs, and conferences.